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Code Certified
5188826 R-5

Certified Master Inspector®


New Construction Inspections

Under Construction Inspections

This is the only time you have to inspect before drywall and exterior claddings cover everything up. Under construction inspections are my specialty as a ICC Combination Code Certified Inspector and, a Construction Inspector because this is the industry I was brought up in with over 21 years of new home building experience. This is also one of the subjects I teach.

If your home inspector is not building code certified then they are not qualified to inspect a under construction property. Before you build a custom home or on your lot call me. You can't fix after-the-fact problems because you and your builder are on different pages. New home construction is increasingly being run byitem2 accountants and production expediters. The time to protect your investment is before you start and then having inspections performed at key phases of the construction process before problem areas are hidden behind finish materials. Our inspections are tailored to each home and never with some checklist.

The majority of home inspectors from TREC are not ICC code certified (ICC certified Inspectors carry an ID card) and do not inspect for code violations so they won't know what a violation is but sure will take your money. Being an affiliate member of ICC is not a Certified Member. The TREC does not require code certification or home building experience for licensees. Apples to Apples - Ask your inspector if they are code certified and inspect to the current building codes. You should also verify any International Code Council (ICC) certification. A TREC inspection can be meaningless.

The standard under construction inspection is ready when the roof covering and electrical wiring are installed. I started out in homebuilding with the largest US builder and became the pre-drywall frame inspector and the construction manager. When I say I've inspected multi-thousands of homes under construction that's probably an understatement. I've also taught classes on frame/cover inspections. We do under construction inspections with you so you can ask questions.

Final Inspections

New construction final inspections are performed at the completion of construction, but prior to your final walk through with the Builder's Representative or Superintendent. You should verify that utilities (gas, water, and electric) have been turned on prior to scheduling. This is a very important inspection and covers not only the items from the state inspection standards as well as our own higher standard. We do these with you so you can ask questions.item3

The inspection should be scheduled two or three days (or more) before your final walk through with the Builder. This will ensure that most, if not all, last minute items have been completed prior to your inspection. We don't mind if a few appliances are not installed as this would be common due to the thefts builders encounter.


Why selecting a ICC certified inspector matters. It may save your life and your money. Experience since 1977.

What do experts say about only using ICC code certified inspectors?

From Aaron Miller in Garland, Texas

Inspecting new home construction is not for amateurs or even state-licensed resale home inspectors. This is an extremely complex profession that requires an enormous pool of knowledge and experience from which to draw.

The residential building codes in Texas consist of literally thousands of pages of technical documents intended to legislate the minimal building standards for homes in this state. In addition to the International Residential Code and the National Electrical Code a builder must comply with industry standards set forth by each materials and systems manufacturer, the Underwriters Laboratories (UL), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), ASTM International, and literally hundreds of other organizations.

A minimum of a Residential Combination Inspector (R-5) building code certificate from the International Code Council is the only way to verify that your inspector has adequate knowledge of the codes your builder is required to comply with, and thus the qualifications to critique your builder's work. This certificate insures that your inspector has obtained separate certifications as a residential electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and building inspector.

Hiring a non-certified inspector? You could save the money and do the inspection yourself with the same lackluster and potentially dangerous results


Homes built in Texas counties do not have municipal inspections. Why? A county is not a city and only cities have the right to inspect unless the city elects to inspect inside its extra-territorial jurisdiction but you would need to call and ask.

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